
Do you need to confirm the spelling, grammar and structure of a text?
Our native linguists can help check and correct texts to make sure they are up to snuff.

Our revision services include:

  • Publication-ready content;
  • Validation of the translation;
  • Improvement of the text;
  • Revision done by native linguists;
  • Use of quality control tools.

When would I need a bilingual revision?

When you’ve received a translated text that doesn’t seem to be properly structured, have the appropriate lexical context or meaning and you would like to have it checked.

What do I need to send for a bilingual revision?

You’ll need to provide both the original text and the translated text so that the bilingual reviser can analyse and compare both documents.

What is assessed in a bilingual revision?

This comparative analysis of the texts confirms whether the content is suited to the purpose of the document and checks to make sure it does not contain any omissions or spelling mistakes, that it is properly structured and uses the correct terminology (based on glossaries you provide, if any), style and is suited to the target audience.

When would I need a monolingual revision?

Monolingual revision is usually performed to confirm content that will have greater exposure, such as brochures, catalogues, presentations or other content that was written directly in the target language, as opposed to being translated. These materials are also revised by a native reviser who specialises in the subject matter.

What is assessed in a monolingual revision?

In this case, the reviser will confirm that the content is suited to the purpose of the materials and does not contain omissions, spelling errors and inconsistent formatting, and that it is properly structured and uses the correct terminology (based on glossaries you provide, if any), style and is suited to the target audience.

How can I see the changes made in a revision?

Any corrections to be made will be implemented using track changes in the final document, or recommended for you or the author of the texts to decide whether to implement them.

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